Radically Alive Women

Radically alive humans mean life on this planet stands a chance.

The Radicle is the first root that shoots out from a seedling. It is strong and goes deep. By honouring our innate connection to source, a depth is created, in collaboration with other centered and grounded Women: The seed within each other is nurtured into form.

How does this happen?

Reclaiming anger, sadness, fear and joy.

Owning our shadows.

Loving fiercely.

Being wild, gentle, soft, playful, vulnerable.

Dancing, moving, sitting still.

Cooking, eating, sharing.

Choosing the stories we have about each other and ourselves.

Being radically honest.

Radically Alive Women is a Game-World for Women to become Radically Alive and occupy their own culture. Through that the many facets of regenerative cultures can be birthed.

Radically Alive Spaces Source:

Collaboration, Teamwork, Wisdom, Connection to Earth, Healing, Evolution and Initiation.

Artwork by Damiet Loor

Artwork by Damiet Loor.

We are creating a Next Women’s Culture that leaves Patriarchy, Tall Poppy Syndrome, and Snake-Making behind.

It is time to inhabit the Goddess that you are.

Are you ready?

Join Telegram Group Here

Listen to the latest Edgecast Here

Rage Club

3 day Immersion, New Zealand

Speak With One of The Team