How to support our Mission
We do what we do because we love it. We love it because it comes through us as a necessity.
We know that this is necessary: Radical Sisterhood, Radically Alive Women, each uncovering herself and radically honouring what comes through her. For life on the planet. For regenerative cultures to emerge. For the major shifts to occur that are inevitable to invent next culture: A culture of initiated adult Women and Men to collaborate. For future generations. For Gaia.
We require resources to do what we do
Imagine that, instead of creating this here, we were sitting in an office making sure the corporation we work for gets more profit. Meanwhile the investors of that corporation kill life on our planet. No way!
You can support our mission by providing financial resources
We have Interviews with Women to conduct and edit and broadcast. We need high quality equipment. We have a documentary to make about the necessity of Women to connect to their roots, their indigenous soul. We need plane tickets and travel expenses covered.
Please support us financially by paying to J S K Neumann, reference: “RAW gift”
NZD Account 38-9020-0589060-03
EUR IBAN BE38 9672 0640 7272, BIC TRWIBEB1XXX
Contact us for other currencies or other payment options.
You can also support us with nonmaterial value
Do you know anything about video and audio editing? Do you have website building skills? Are you a strong communicator and network builder? Do you love to write? Are you a graphic designer? Contact us if you want to get involved with your skills that can support this Gameworld to grow its mycelium network.