Fear club touched me at the core of my existential problem: How to live, why do I exist if I do nothing? Before Fear Club, I didn’t know that it was linked to fear and the refusal of feeling fear. I’ve been trying to find a solution to this “problem” for 10 years now. In …
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I learned about the vastness and beauty of fear. Relaxing into the fear, going up and down, sharing during the week is so needed and necessary. Julia has a welcoming way of celebrating things I did not even notice. I noticed how she empowered the other participants and made me shift in a way I …
Read more “I am falling in love with feeling my fear.”
Until I participated in Fear Club I had no idea how much fear controlled my life. I had numbed its presence and allowed it to dominate my behaviour. With Julia’s commitment to my transformation I am learning to befriend my fear and make it my ally.