Clarity and Love

It was like coming into an Indian tent with Julia sitting down on a carpet and her determination led me to the Now. Her questions will get you to what is really necessary for you to feel in this moment of all the things you might easily reject, deny or disown. Clarity and Love are …

Like a complex surgery

I particularly enjoyed Julia’s sensitive, precise navigation to several situations in my childhood, which led me to suppress my anger and made it impossible for me to say “No”. She has the skill of reading in the microscopic. It was like a complex surgery in several places at once. It allowed me to see the …

Julia works at the core level

I recommend her coaching to anyone feeling stuck or just curious about what’s next. She brings clarity, deep compassion and vision into limitless possibilities.

I am starting to believe it.

I didn’t know that people like you existed, I didn’t know that I could become someone like you but I am starting to believe it.