I remember… the electric touch of the rain on my skin, the raw force of earth rising unhindered up through me, the warm movement of woman weaving village about me, while the mugwort simmers innocently on the back burner… and deep within I hear a tiny whisper ‘this is only the beginning’.
I felt seen as who I am now and that reinforced my knowing of who I am now. I loved connecting with wild women. This journey is my treasure box.
All my bodies are full of buzzing, light, joyful vibration. I’m noticing I’m very present and radically alive!
I am feeling so alive and my warrioress is so radiant in me. I’m noticing my stories and how I am choosing to act differently. I also feel this strong sense of calm deep in my core and this unshakeable confidence which is new for me. I feel and know with all my Being that …
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