Clare Dubois Radical Healing

Radical Healing as a Consciousness Shift Issue for Humanity: Clare Dubois (Transcript of Edgecast episode)

Julia Neumann: Welcome to Radically Alive Women Edgecast, Clare Dubois. I’m really glad you’re here. Clare Dubois: Thank you. It’s lovely to be here. Julia: And I admit I’m also a bit scared you’re here because you have a voice, and my fear is not a problem, it just tells me “Yeah, I’m here with a woman …

From Nurse to Combat Center Owner: Sally Greenwood

Podcast Episode 11/Season 1: Listen here. Julia: Hello Sally Greenwood and welcome to Radically Alive Women’s podcast.  Sally: Hello sister, thank you so much for having me. I’m so glad to be here. Julia: I’ve seen you and experienced you as this fiery, fierce woman that really jumps full in, if you see something that …

Women’s Anger and Sexuality: Annika Korsten

"How do you create radical shifts in your sexual intimacy with a partner, to come to a place of discovery together?" This interview with Annika Korsten is one of the bravest conversations I have yet had on this Podcast. Both women's anger and women's sexuality are topics that are underrepresented in mainstream culture. Bringing both …

Women, Dignity and Archiarchy: Anne-Chloé Destremau

"Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld. If it's not obvious that Patriarchy is a stupid culture, that would be something to be scared of." Anne-Chloé Destremau is an Evolutionary Gameworld Builder and Spaceholder Trainer who lives at the center of the context of Possibility Management and in Radical Responsibility. With her crystal …

Bardo State and Menopause – The in-between space: Patrizia Patz

Patrizia Patz is Speaker, Trainer and Author. Patrizia’s website is in German; you can find her also on Facebook (with English posts).  What does it mean to be radically alive? Is it only when you’re thriving and creative and doing?  In this episode, it becomes clear that aliveness is not a show. It’s not about …

Unfolding the Magic: Anicha Vos

“This is the time to reclaim what is really valuable.” ~ Anicha Vos. I interviewed Anicha Vos this week. It was an ad hoc interview in a public café, hence some background noise, as I radically followed my impulse.  This interview itself unfolded magically: I had been to Anicha’s and her partner’s (Marcel Hof, Wim …

Woman’s Shadow: Unconscious Sexual Energy

“The unconscious use of sexuality and sexual energy by women keeps them in Patriarchy, actually.” Vera Franco, Possibility Management Trainer and Abundance Midwife, shares about the survival strategies of using unconscious sexual energy, mainly by women. Listen to this episode to find out more about the Black Widow, the Grey Widow, and the White Widow …

Unplugged: Janet Redmond

Janet Redmond is a Phase-One-Gameworld Builder. She is a bridge for people who know that something is not working in their modern culture life, and who want to know what else is possible. Janet is also a Possibilitator, a Communication Bridge Builder, an “Umi” (grandmother), and a Sourceress Sister – amongst other things. She also …